Reliability and Validity of the Adapted Thai Intuitive Eating Scale-2 (IES-2) in Emerging Adult Women
intuitive eating, scale adaptation, eating behavior, body image, assessmentAbstract
Intuitive eating (IE) is a hunger-based eating style where individuals eat according to hunger cues and satiety cues of their bodies, which is associated with psychological and physical well-being. As opposed to intuitive eating, maladaptive eating issues are a common problem found among the female emerging adult population as their risk of experiencing self-objectification and negative body image is at its peak. In this study, the Intuitive Eating Scale-2 (IES-2) was translated into Thai language and was evaluated for its psychometric properties with data collected from 529 Thai female emerging adults living in Bangkok, Thailand. Factor analyses reported and confirmed a 4-factor model. The internal consistency of the scale was excellent (α = .95). The findings contribute to the literature by providing a psychometrically sound scale to measure the level of intuitive eating that an individual has, which can be used to promote healthy eating by health professionals.
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