Enhancing Students’ Team Creativity through Organization Development Interventions: A Case Study of Vocational Chinese Class, Beijing Polytechnic, China


  • Qianru Gao
  • Seongdok Kim


DOI: 10.14456/abacodijournal.2024.25
Published: 2024-10-22


This case study aimed to enhance students’ team creativity by developing the individual creativity, team communication, knowledge sharing, and creative climate of the students carried on organization development interventions in the vocational Chinese class. There were four objectives of this research: to investigate the current situation of student team creativity in vocational Chinese classes, at Beijing Polytechnic; to design and implement appropriate organization development interventions(ODIs) to develop student team creativity, individual creativity, team communication, knowledge sharing, and creative climate in the vocational Chinese class; to determine the differences in these variables of the vocational Chinese class between pre-ODI and post-ODI; to design an OD project to sustain the results of a study based on the results of the quantitative and qualitative results findings. In the case study, questionnaire survey was used for quantitative analysis, semi-structured interview, observation and reflection report were used for qualitative data analysis. The actual samples were 60 students from the School of Art and Design. The group carried on organization development interventions. The same questionnaire was administered two times before and after ODIs to determine the change level. The paired-sample t-test proved there is a statistically significant difference in five variables between pre-ODI and post-ODI. There are 33 teachers and students as a sample for qualitative research. The semi-structured interviews, observation reports, and reflection reports were utilized for thematic analysis which were analyzed between pre-ODI and post-ODIs as well. Qualitative data showed that individual creativity developed, team communication and knowledge sharing frequently occurred, mutual support and encouragement within the team, and team creativity improved. According to the mixed quantitative and qualitative data analysis, individual creativity, team communication, knowledge sharing, team creative climate, and team creativity in vocational Chinese project-based learning classrooms were improved. Key recommendations are made to further foster individual and team creativity at the focal system organization at the individual, department, and university levels for sustainable development. 


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How to Cite

Gao, Q., & Kim, S. (2024). Enhancing Students’ Team Creativity through Organization Development Interventions: A Case Study of Vocational Chinese Class, Beijing Polytechnic, China. ABAC ODI JOURNAL Vision. Action. Outcome, 12(1), 97-118. https://doi.org/10.14456/abacodijournal.2024.25

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