Development of Students' Leadership Characteristics Model for International Universities in Thailand
This research article aims to develop a student leadership characteristics model suitable for International Universities in Thailand students by exploring the desirable and current leadership characteristics of International University students. The research objectives are as follows. 1) To explore the desirable student leadership characteristics for International Universities in Thailand. 2) To identify the current student leadership characteristics for International Universities in Thailand. 3) To develop a student leadership characteristics model for International Universities in Thailand. 4) To verify the student leadership characteristics model for International Universities in Thailand. This study used qualitative and quantitative methods, and a sample size of 993 students was surveyed by the random sampling method. The research instruments of this study were a questionnaire, structured interview, and model evaluation form. Descriptive statistics were used for data analysis, including Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, and PNImodified. According to the results, the synthesis table derived nine student leadership characteristics: intelligence, assertiveness, co-operative, trustworthiness, problem-solving, self-determination, ability to achieve, adaptability, and communication. The quantitative method used a survey questionnaire for desirable and current characteristics. Later, the Priority Need Index (PNImodified) identified all student leadership characteristics as the following ranks: 1) intelligence (0.134), 2) assertiveness (0.113), 3) co-operative skills (0.105), 4) trustworthiness (0.098), 5) problem-solving (0.098), 6) self-determination (0.097), 7) communication (0.094), 8) adaptability (0.093), and 9) ability to achieve (0.090). The outcome of this study is to develop a student leadership characteristics model by using the analysis results and the concept and practices suggested by three major theories of student development. The final model provided the concept and practical activities that help promote students in each of the student leadership characteristics.
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