The Service Quality of Community Courier Collection Points (Cainiao Courier Station)
The main objective of this study is to examine the factors that influence the service quality of CaiNiao Courier Station. The independent variable are tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, empathy and assurance and the dependent variable is customer satisfaction, Strategies are designed based on the results aspects to improve the service quality of CaiNiao Courier Station. This study used mixed method using qualitative and quantitative research. Interviews were conducted with three employees from CaiNiao Courier Station and questionnaires were administered to 228 residents using the courier service in the surrounding area. The data collected was collated and analyzed through content analysis for qualitative data obtained from interviews and multiple linear regression for quantitative data obtained from survey questionnaires. The results obtained through data analysis suggest that the company needs to enhance staff training and upgrade the physical environment to increase customer satisfaction.
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