To Improve Organizational Effectiveness of the Private University in China by Optimizing the Organizational Structure through Organization Development Interventions ---An Action Research Study of Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages (ZYUFL) in China
This study aimed to use organization development interventions to improve the organizational effectiveness by optimizing organization structure of Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages in China. This current research focused on four main sub-dimensions: standardization, centralization/decentralization, specialization and integration of organizational structure. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were utilized with questionnaire, interview and observation. Quantitative data was collected to examine the change in level of standardization, centralization/decentralization, specialization and integration of organizational structure and organizational effectiveness. Qualitative data was collected to obtain in-depth understanding on the result of organization development interventions on the organization structure. The results of paired sample t-test indicated significant differences between pre- and post-ODI results in organizational structure and organizational effectiveness. Based on the Pearson Correlation results, organizational structure had a positive relationship with organizational effectiveness. The deliberated ODIs had positive effect on the level of organizational structure and organizational effectiveness. According to the results of multiple linear regressions, centralization/decentralization, specialization, and integration have an influence on organizational effectiveness. Standardization has no influence on organizational effectiveness. Further researches in the related fields were recommended in the last section.
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