Determining the Influence of Motivation and Job Satisfaction towards Job Performance of Generation Y+Z Employees of The RARE Company, China
job satisfaction. motivation. job performanceAbstract
The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors and job satisfaction on job performance of the employees in the RARE Company in China in response to recommended plans on enhancing their motivation for higher company's performance. Quantitative data got accumulated from 55 operational-level officers working at the RARE Company through questionnaires. The results of the data were analyzed by using mean score, multiple and simple linear regression, along with one-way ANOVA. The results of the study show that intrinsic factors, including career plan, training, target incentive, teamwork has a significant effect on employees' satisfaction. In contrast, employees' satisfaction has a significant effect on job performance for the RARE company in China, so the management and human resources departments of the RARE Company should give priority to intrinsic motivation and job satisfaction so that employees at different levels in the company have a higher motivation to improve their job performance, which is beneficial to the long-term improvement of organizational performance.
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 55
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