Exploring 21st Century Teaching Development Model for Lecturers: A Case Study of Two Universities in Vietnam
teaching competency, teaching development, soft skills in teaching, 21st century skills.Abstract
The world is changing day by day and education sector is also catching up to provide sufficient education outcomes required by society in 21st century. Teachers is one of key factors contributing to graduate quality. This study aims to explore the influence of soft skills in terms of critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, teamwork, and information management skills on teaching competency of lecturers at two faculties of two universities in Vietnam. The findings of quantitative and qualitative data indicated soft skills in terms of critical thinking, teamwork, and communication skills have influence on the teaching competency of lecturers within two faculties of two universities in this study. More importantly, the qualitative results also provided a deeper understanding of these soft skills on teaching competency of lecturers. Lecturers highlighted the important of communication skills regarding the presentation skills, public speaking, listening skill, problem-solving, and the method to inspire or motivate students to learn. Most lecturers preferred further opportunities to develop professional competency and doing more researches. They desired better working environments which offered more training sessions, workshop, or conference. Lastly, supports from universities or faculties particularly would be an incentive to promote them devote more in teaching path. An action plan was developed basing on the key findings of this study for a purpose to provide a road map so that lecturers can get more crucial 21st century classroom teaching skills. Ina long term, it gradually contributes to develop the national competitiveness for its citizen as an education outcome.
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