A Model for Competitive Service Level of Logistics Service Providers in Thailand - Vietnam – China
competitiveness, service level, logistics service providerAbstract
The objectives of this research were to develop a causal relationship model for competitive service level of logistics service providers in international transportationand investigate the direct and indirect effects in international transport logistics of Thai, Vietnamese and Chinese service providers. Samplings were 509 logistics service providers from Thailand, Vietnam, and China, using purposive sample selection method. Questionnaires were analyzed by descriptive statistics and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), using Lisrel version 8.80. Findings were the causal relationship model was fit to empirical data with the Chi-square (X2) = 72.75, df= 62, p = 0.165, GFI = 0.98 AGFI = 0.97, RMSEA = 0.018. The direct effects showed the competitive Service Level (SVL) was affected byDominant Power on selection(DOM) with coefficient value at 0.37, and also from Service Performance Unit (SPU) as 0.36. The competitive Service Level (SVL) was affected indirectly by Dominant Power onselection(DOM) at 0.11, followed by Strategic Sourcing Technique (SST) at 0.09respectively. Moreover, the variables valued the reliability in between 0.54 - 0.94. The highest reliability wasfactors: Cost and Flexibility (Z1, Z3) which were equally at 0.94. For the lowest reliability value was: Risk avoidance (Y4) valued at 0.54. For implementation and recommendation in future researchto modify the degree of observed variables in Service Performance Units (SPU) which may significant differently in a different policy and local cultures in different countries.
Keywords: competitiveness, service level, logistics service provider
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