Development of Business Strategies of Community Enterprise Entrepreneurs : A Case Study on Herbal Product Business in Lower Central Region 1
Keywords, development, business strategy, herbal products, the community enterprisesAbstract
This study aimed to study feature of business operation, method of development of business strategy, success of business of community enterprise entrepreneur group in case study on herbal product business in lower Central Region 1. This study is qualitative research conducting data collection by in-depth interview with key informants from Herbal product entrepreneur group of herbal beverage, spa, herbal medicine and processed food, using random sampling of 50% of lower Central Region 1, and then select the herbal product community enterprise entrepreneurs which were awarded last year from those 4 provinces, in which 80 persons were selected, 2) Group of commercial academicians or specialists in herbal product business 14 persons of which were selected, and then conduct data content analysis. The results indicated that various business activities were incorporated to the community enterprise. The study also revealed that the business strategies designed by the community enterprises differed greatly depending on the type of herb business. To clarify, while spa business pursued the growth strategy, herbal medicine business adopted the product development strategy and the processed food business focused on product identity enhancement. Five approaches to business development by the community enterprise entrepreneurs were identified as follows. 1) Enhancing management knowledge , technical and production skills among the entrepreneurs and employee 2) Improving the product and packaging 3) Developing the business, enhancing knowledge and strengthening connection among the members 4) Providing constant staff training and awareness in environment management 5) Raising self-reliance habits as well as conserving local wisdoms and resources.
Keywords: development, business strategy, herbal products, the community enterprises
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