This issue of the ABAC ODI Journal. Vision.Action.Outcome. is comprised of nine articles, involving 17 authors. The contributing authors are local and international University faculty members, researchers, educators, organization practitioners, and graduate students. The authors and co-authors comprise of:
Onnicha Ariyawong
Thanawan, Phongsatha
Muttanachai Suttipun
Dimas Aryo Setyadi
Nurcan Ensari
Denise, Lopez
Elena Shackelford
Nandy Lynn,
Lee Hsing Lu
Wutti Soe
Salvacion, Villavicencio
S Myat Soe
Marrisa Fernando
Kitchai Chotikamankong
Sirichai Preudhikulpradab
Ray Clapp
Vorapot Ruckthum
The first article is an experiential research, titled “The Student’s Self-Designed Learning Activities Influencing Their Learning Achievement: A Case Study of an English Tutorial Center in Krabi” by Onnicha Ariyawong and Thanawan Phongsatha. The authors compared the outcomes of the levels of knowledge and perception toward self-designed learning activities before and after experimentation utilizing two research instruments to determine the differences on the levels of changes.
The second article is a case study, titled “How Does Triple Bottom Line Reporting Influence Financial Performance? (Evidence from the LQ45 Companies Listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange” by Muttanachai Suttipun, and Dimas Aryo Setyadi. The article presents an in-depth investigation of the annual reports of companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange and identifies the influence of corporate characteristics and the level of triple bottom line (TBL).
The third article is an action research, titled “Managers’ and Diversity Experts’ Perceptions of Multiculturalism and Internationalism in Organizations” by. Nurcan Ensari, Denise Lopez, and Elena Shackelford. The authors present the key findings of the impacts of the application of multi-culturalism and internationalism concepts on the organization and to what extent additional development opportunities could be considered in strengthening multi-culturalism and internationalism, varying by the local context where the business operates.
The four article is an action research. The title is “Organization redesign process as ODI on Organizational factors and human dynamics” by Nandy Lynn and Lee Hsing Lu. The article presents the findings of the impacts of organization designs on organization and human factors.
The fifth article is an action research, titled “Using OD Leadership Intervention in Improving Transformational Leadership Culture to Enhance Employees Work Engagement and Organizational Affective Commitment “by Wutti Soe and Salvacion Villavicensio. The article presents the implementations of leadership interventions to improve engagement and commitment. The evaluation between before and after ODIs was employed to determine the differences.
The sixth article is an action research, titled “Enhancing Team Learning in a Faith Based Organization in Myanmar: An Action Research Approach” by S Myat Soe
and Marrisa Fernando. The study is aimed to seek to enhance team learning on three variables consisting of good working environment, coordination and collaboration processes. The pre and post tests were conducted to determine the differences before and after interventions.
The seventh article is an action research, titled “Using WBL as ODI to Improve Work Environment and Well-being of Employees by Kijchai Chotikamankong and Sirichai Preudhikulpradab. The article presented the findings of OD implementations, focusing on two main variables, consisting of work environment and well-being of employees.
The eight article is an exploratory research, titled “The Cross-Cultural use of the Kirton Adaption- Innovation Inventory: A Further Exploration” by Ray Clapp and
Vorapot Ruckthum. The study is aimed at exploring the usability of bipolar scale of cognitive style to resolve the problem of accurate recognition and scoring of opposites.
The ninth article is a comparative study, titled “An Evaluation of the Relationships between Psychological Climate, the Styles of Cognitive Preference and Manifest Ideas “by Ray Clapp and Vorapot Ruckthum. The study presents the comparative findings on the relationship of Psychological climate and cognitive preference and manifest ideas.
In summary, this is another important milestone that ABAC ODI Journal Vision. Action. Outcome has reached, together with its contributing authors who have shared their interdisciplinary knowledge and experience from their respective fields with our Organization development community. The ninth articles represent various industries and diverse of nationalities. We hope that readers find the current issue of ODI journal informative, inspiring, and educational.