Organization Redesign Process as ODI on Organizational Factors and Human Dynamics
organization redesign, attitude to change, structure, helpful mechanism, relationship, organization development interventions, AI, coaching and mentoring, Weisbord’s six box model, Mckinsey’s 7 S, Organizational Diagnoses Questionnaire (ODQ)Abstract
This paper demonstrated the importance of organization redesigning in the face of drastic socio-economical, political changes as well as internal and external (with and without anticipated) challenges; the impacts of effective design on organizational components; and the approach and process on how to redesign organizational factors for better results on human dynamics. It was based on in-depth, real-time, and action research at a public Internet service providing company in Myanmar conducted from January 2015 to end February 2016. Based on theoretical and conceptual frameworks, results had shown the significant cause and effect relationship between specific organizational factors and human dynamics.
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Courses Handouts distributed during course works at Batch 1-Ph.D (OD) class.