The Study of the Relationship Between Push Factors, Pull Factors, Tour Guide Performance and Tourists’ Satisfaction in Bangkok, Thailand
This research determined the relationship between push factors, pull factors, tour guide performance and tourists’’ satisfaction; specifically, the Chinese and German tourists who visited Bangkok during the month of October and November 2015. The research collected data from 200 respondents by distributing questionnaires to tourists groups. Non-probability sampling, quota sampling and convenience sampling were applied. One hundred samples were collected from Chinese tourists and another 100 samples were collected from German tourists. One hundred respondents were male and 100 respondents were female. The research focused on respondents who are twenty years old and older. These two groups of visitors were the top spenders on International Tourism in 2012. The collected data was analyzed by statistical program and correlation was applied to determine whether there was a relationship between push factors, pull factors, tour guide performance and tourists’ satisfaction. The findings indicated that push factors, pull factors and tour guide performance have a statistically significant positive relationship with tourists’ satisfaction.
Keywords: Bangkok, tourists’ satisfaction, tour guide performance, pull factors,
push factors, Chinese tourists, German tourists
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