Leveraging Employee Engagement and Employee Performance towards Excellent Service Quality (An action research on TMD Hairdressing and Beauty Salon Services in Yangon, Myanmar)


  • Aung Ye Zaw Ph.D. OD program of GSB Assumption University of Thailand
  • Maria Socorro Cristina Fernando, PhD


This research paper analyzed the impact of employee engagement and employee performance on the service quality of TMD Hairdressing and Beauty Salon Services in Yangon, Myanmar. This study used organization development interventions (ODIs) to improve employee engagement, employee performance and service quality. The objectives were: to assess and analyze the current situation of the organization; to design and implement the deliberate organization development interventions (ODIs); to measure the initial impact of ODIs; to determine the difference between the values of pre and post ODI; to draw up a three year Road Map for the organization to sustain the change. The level of employee engagement, employee performance and service quality were relatively low at the pre ODI stage. Based on the pre-ODI results, the researcher conducted purposeful organization development interventions on employee engagement and employee performance to improve service quality. The post ODI results showed significant improvement on employee engagement, employee performance and service quality. According to the results of paired sample t-test, there were significant differences between pre and post ODI outcomes related to Employee Engagement, Employee Performance and Service Quality. Based on the regression results, employee engagement and employee performance had significant impacts on the level of service quality. The organization development interventions (ODIs) positively affected the level of employee engagement, employee performance and service quality. Based on the data from the study, the researcher drew up a three year Road Map in terms of three levels: Manager Level, Employee Level and Organization Level. Further organization development interventions to improve employee engagement, employee performance and service quality were recommended to meet the vision of the company.


Key words: leveraging, employee engagement, employee performance, service quality, beauty salon, organization development intervention




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How to Cite

Zaw, A. Y., & Fernando, PhD, M. S. C. (2016). Leveraging Employee Engagement and Employee Performance towards Excellent Service Quality (An action research on TMD Hairdressing and Beauty Salon Services in Yangon, Myanmar). ABAC ODI JOURNAL Vision. Action. Outcome, 3(2). Retrieved from http://www.assumptionjournal.au.edu/index.php/odijournal/article/view/2017