Leading and Managing Change in Organizations: Focus, Priorities, and Tools of OD Practitioners, Leaders and Managers
The Assumption University Organization Development Institute (ABAC- ODI) recently launched a new service called the OD Index which aims at "providing indicators and information; in-depth & practical insights; that shape and impact leaders and mangers in their strategic decisions and directions." This study is an initial attempt to start-up the service through an online survey using Survey monkey (www.surveymonkey.com) Forty six (46) change leaders, managers, and OD practitioners participated in this survey conducted from Janua1Y 31 -Feb 15, 2014. The data shows that the current organizational issues of change leaders and managers are leadership, culture and external and market environment. Top priorities include people dynamics, leadership, and business processes. An array of tools and approaches are utilized and respondents further design their own tools and approaches based on the needs and nature of the organizations. The survey also reveals that internal and external consultants play a significant role in the choice of tools and approaches used for change management. Top management leads and midlevel management Implements change. Insights as gleaned from the data are offered by the study.
Keywords: change management, OD tools and approaches, organizational issues