Shifting From Transactional Leadership (T2) to Transformational Leadership (T3) Behavior with a Full Range Leadership Development Program (FR-LDP) OD Intervention


  • Shwe Hein Assumption University Of Thailand. ODIInstitute
  • Gloria Chavez, DBA Assumption University Thailand


Today’s business leaders need to consider alternative ways to shift mindsets and behaviors in organizations for them to be effective in these exponential times. The main    purpose of this study was to shift middle managers of the Myanmar ABC Company from transactional leadership (T2) to transformational leadership (T3) behavior using a Full Range Leadership Development Program (FR-LDP) with Appreciative Inquiry, Whole Brain Literacy and Action Learning OD Interventions.

            The action research model was applied using both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Data was collected with the use of 360-degree feedback assessment of MLQ 5X Short leaders and rater instruments, observations, and in-depth interviews. The action research was conducted in three phases of ODI to determine the differences between the pre and post-ODI.

            The findings of the study showed that the Full Range Leadership Development Program (FR-LDP) intervention program was effective and productive in shifting 27 middle managers from T2 to T3 behavior in the culture of the collectivist society of Myanmar. Specifically a) It shifted from high T2 at pre-ODI to low T2 practice in post-ODI; b) It shifted and improved from low T3 in pre-ODI to high T3 practice in post-ODI; c) There were concomitant findings from Kirkpatrick’s four level learning evaluation model based on their reaction, learning, behavior and result; d) T3 behavior is relevant and most applicable in the collectivistic culture of Myanmar because of the underlying assumptions that are associated with the characteristics of transformational leadership and the traits and key characteristics of collectivistic culture in  charismatic perspective.





How to Cite

Hein, S., & Chavez, DBA, G. (2016). Shifting From Transactional Leadership (T2) to Transformational Leadership (T3) Behavior with a Full Range Leadership Development Program (FR-LDP) OD Intervention. ABAC ODI JOURNAL Vision. Action. Outcome, 3(1). Retrieved from