Students and Teacher’s Views on a Multimodal Approach to English Reading Skill Development of Thai EFL Students in a University Context

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Phaisan Phengsuai
Kasma Suwanarak


This study aimed to explore the students’ views from Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University (NPRU) on how the teacher taught English reading skills through a traditional teaching approach and a multimodal approach, and to understand what the teacher has experienced from the use of the two approaches. The study employed mixed methods for data collection – questionnaire survey and semi-structured interview. The findings revealed that most of the students felt very uncomfortable when learning English reading through the traditional teaching approach and became more engaged in the multimodal approach. Accordingly, the teacher was more favorable towards the benefits of using the multimodal approach to teaching English reading as the students were more motivated. Students with less reading proficiency preferred to learn English through the traditional approach. On the contrary, those with more reading proficiency revealed that the approach was not interesting and they expected to see the teacher teach actively with a variety of teaching materials because they could significantly support and increase their learning achievement.  Research implications drawn from the findings could be contributed to a combination of the two approaches integrated in the teaching and learning of EFL reading in Thai university contexts.

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