Assessment for Learning (AFL): Its Role in L2 Writing Contexts
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Assessment plays a significant role in learning. Traditionally, it is regarded as a judgement on students’ learning proficiency. In such cases, summative assessment or assessment of learning (AoL) generally plays its leading role. This type of assessment has long kept a seat for many centuries. The value of assessment in terms of fostering learning has not been instantly recognized. Up until recently, formative assessment or assessment for learning (AfL) has stepped into the spotlight. This academic article aims to reveal a different but interesting aspect of assessment and its full potential to maximize students’ L2 learning, specifically in the L2 writing contexts, with an introduction of assessment for learning (AfL) in L2 writing pedagogy as a learning tool to effectively support students’ L2 learning and skill development. Before reaching that goal, however, several interesting issues concerning the nature of assessment for learning (AfL) and L2 writing pedagogy need to be carefully considered as being discussed in the present article. As a number of benefits of an implementation of assessment for learning (AfL) to both students and teachers in L2 writing pedagogy are disclosed in this article, it is worth challenging the old practice, the traditional L2 writing classroom practice, as described in the article.
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