“My Past Language Learning is Irritating, But Not for My Future Teaching Career!”: A Look at One Male Preservice Teacher’s Teacher Identity Construction
Main Article Content
Research on teacher identity construction has been widely conducted. The results yielded common theoretical underpinnings that teacher identity is a complex construct. In spite of its significance in teacher education programs, little attention has been on preservice teachers’ construction of teacher identity from their past learning experiences. It is for that reason that the present study was enacted. Employing a narrative inquiry approach, this study documented one male preservice teacher’s accounts of his past learning experiences and how he shaped the teacher identity for his future teaching profession. The results of this study uncovered that pedagogical decision was effectively made by the participant after reflecting on his past learning experiences. It, additionally, helped reshape his complex identity as a future teacher in engaging students to learn. This paper ends with proposals for future research in preservice teacher education programs.
Article Details
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