Investigating the Relationships among English Language Self-Efficacy, Learning Style Preferences, and Goal Setting for Bachelor Students in the Faculty of Logistics

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Sarunya Lertputtarak
Denis Samokhin


This study aims to investigate the relationships among English language self-efficacy, learning style preferences, and goal setting for bachelor students in the Faculty of Logistics. There were 289 usable questionnaires from five groups of students, the first three groups were 209 students who studied English for logistics as compulsory subsidiary subjects and the last two groups were 80 students who studied English for Communication as an elective subject. The data were analyzed by Exploratory Factor Analysis to classify groups of self-efficacy and learning style preferences. The hypotheses were solved by SEM analysis using the WarpPLS trial version. The results were two loading self-efficacy factors and three loading learning style preferences that had an eigenvalue of more than 1.0. The results indicated 2 self-efficacy factors which were (1) Listening and speaking in English (LS) and (2) Writing and reading in English (WR). Learning style preferences have three factors which were (1) Understanding and seeing in a new way (Learn 1); (2) Seeking opportunities (Learn 2); and (3) Increasing one’s knowledge (Learn 3). It can be concluded that H1: self-efficacy influences English learning style preferences at the significance level of 0.01 and H2: English learning style preferences influence students’ goal-setting on learning English at the significance level of 0.01.

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Research articles
Author Biographies

Sarunya Lertputtarak, Graduate School of Commerce, Burapha University

Sarunya Lertputtarak received her Bachelor Degree from Assumption University and both Master degree and Doctoral degree from Victoria University, Australia. Currently she work in Graduate School of Commerce, Burapha University. Her main research interests include tourism, marketing, and hotel management.

Denis Samokhin, Mr.

Denis Samokhin currently works in Faculty of Logistics, Burapha University. Her main research interests include logistics and language study.


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