Peer Feedback and Feedforward towards EFL Argumentative Writing
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This study aims to understand the main types of feedback peers use in an argumentative writing class at a private university in Thailand; and investigates the attitudes of the 30 EFL students towards peer feedback and feedforward. Peer feedback was provided on the draft and final versions of two argumentative essays assigned by the teacher. The types of comments provided by the peer on the peer feedback form, memo and essay were collected and analyzed quantitatively. Questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data investigating learner’s attitude towards peer feedback and feedforward; and semi-structured interviews with learners was undertaken to triangulate the study. The results revealed that the type of instruments used for giving feedback had an impact on the peer feedback and type of comments. The maximum number of comments was found in the feedback form followed by memo and essay. Praise was the most common type of comment followed by advice and critique. Comments related to recognizing progress for improvement as well as advice towards future assignment, were prevalent in the final versions of both essays; such comments enabled learners take peer comments forward into the subsequent assignment. Feedforward did facilitate learners to set their goals; results of findings revealed improvement in the goals set by learners. Learners responded positively towards peer feedback and feedforward indicating that the act of receiving and giving peer feedback and feedforward helped improve the argumentative essay.
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