Aims and Scope


The New English Teacher (NET) serves as a platform for the exploration of theories, research, methods, and materials relevant to language learning and teaching. Within this framework, NET welcomes contributions in the following areas of current inquiry:

  • First and second language teaching and learning: This domain investigates effective methods, pedagogical approaches, and innovations in teaching both first and second languages, with a specific emphasis on English. Submissions are invited to cover classroom strategies and language acquisition theories, offering potential advancements in the understanding of language pedagogy and valuable insights for educators and researchers.
  • Learner’s motivation and perception: Exploring the psychological and motivational aspects of language learning, this area seeks to comprehend what drives learners and how they perceive the language learning process. Manuscripts are encouraged to delve into motivation theories, learner attitudes, and the impact of motivation on language learning outcomes. Studies should illuminate the motivational factors influencing language learners and explore how these factors can be leveraged for more effective teaching.
  • Information technology: Within the context of language education, this area scrutinizes the integration of information technology tools and resources to enhance language teaching and learning. Manuscripts may discuss the utilization of language learning apps, online platforms, virtual classrooms, and other technological innovations in language education. Studies are expected to assess the effectiveness of technology, explore new tools, and provide insights into best practices for incorporating technology into language teaching.
  • Other areas related to English language: Encompassing a diverse array of fields, this category includes linguistics, discourse analysis, language assessment, material development, corpus study, stylistics, language and culture, multilingual education, English as an international language, literary criticism, media studies, and translation. Manuscripts may focus on specific linguistic phenomena, cultural aspects, literary analysis, language assessment methods, and the role of English in various global contexts.

In all these areas, The New English Teacher seeks high-quality research employing interdisciplinary approaches, empirical studies, and literature reviews that contribute to the broader understanding of language education. Clear and well-defined methodologies, practical implications for educators, and the potential for broader impact in the field are aspects that can enhance the appeal of submissions to the journal. The journal is dedicated to the application of linguistics in education and values contributions that address the shared professional concerns of both practitioners and researchers.


Types of Published Articles

The New English Teacher, dedicated to fostering knowledge and innovation in the field of English Language education, welcomes a diverse range of contributions, classified into three distinct categories:

  • Research articles aim to disseminate the findings of original research endeavors, with the primary objective of introducing novel insights or knowledge to a specific field. These articles typically comprise sections such as a title, abstract, introduction, methodology, results and discussion, and references. The introduction establishes the study's context, the methodology outlines the research approach, and the results and discussion sections scrutinize and interpret the findings. Furthermore, research articles should be comprehensive, with manuscripts typically ranging from 4,000 to 5,000 words.
  • Academic articles encompass a broader spectrum of contributions, spanning original research results, reviews of existing research, or discussions on theoretical frameworks. The overarching goal is to present a scholarly examination of a particular topic. While the structure of academic articles may vary, they often include sections such as an introduction, literature review, methodology (if applicable), findings or analysis, conclusions, and references. Additionally, academic articles are succinct, with a recommended length of 2,000 words or less, facilitating a focused exploration of the chosen subject.
  • Book review articles undertake critical assessments of recent publications, typically within a specific field of study related to English language education. The objective is to evaluate the book's content, its contribution to the field, and its relevance to the intended audience. These articles generally encompass an introduction, a summary of the book's content, an analysis of its strengths and weaknesses, and a conclusion providing an overall evaluation. Citations and references should be included to bolster the reviewer's points. Moreover, book review articles are concise, usually not exceeding 1,500 words, allowing for a focused and insightful critique.

In summary, research articles contribute fresh knowledge through original studies, academic articles offer a comprehensive exploration of topics, and book review articles provide critical evaluations of recent publications. Each category plays a distinctive role in the academic discourse, collectively advancing knowledge across various fields, specifically in those areas pertinent to NET's scope.


Publication Frequency 

The New English Teacher is published twice a year, covering the periods of January to June and July to December. The journal ensures the punctual and regular release of top-notch articles pertaining to the specified fields of English language.  



The New English Teacher meticulously publishes every article in English, emphasizing precise language use, especially in terms of grammar and accurate spelling. Therefore, authors are advised to have their manuscripts reviewed by a native English speaker prior to submission.


Publication Charges (APC)

The New English Teacher guarantees open access for all published articles, ensuring free accessibility for readers via the journal's website. As a result, published articles do not entail any article processing charge (APC).


Open Access Policy

The New English Teacher offers instant open access to its content based on the principle that freely sharing research with the public fosters a broader global exchange of knowledge.


Ownership and Management

The New English Teacher is proudly owned by Theodore Maria School of Arts (TMSA) at Assumption University. Aligned with the university's dedication to the pursuit of truth and knowledge, TMSA offers comprehensive support to the journal in financial, operational, and managerial aspects, and therefore, diligently oversees the journal to maintain its rigorous publication standards, thorough peer-review process, and global open-access availability for researchers, teachers, and academics.



The New English Teacher is owned by Theodore Maria School of Arts at Assumption University, Suvarnabhumi Campus, Bang Na-Trad Km. 26 Bangsaothong, Samutprakarn 10570, Thailand.


Copyright and Licensing

The New English Teacher is committed to respecting author rights and safeguarding copyright protection. In its dedication to assisting potential authors within the specified fields of English Language in disseminating their research, applications, ideas, and contributions, both the authors and Theodore Maria School of Arts maintain ownership of the copyright. This arrangement is designed to shield both parties from the repercussions of unauthorized usage. Any partial or complete publication of an article elsewhere necessitates the consent of both parties.

The articles are granted a Creative Commons (CC) Copyright License, which permits sharing, adaptation, and proper attribution. Creative Commons, an international nonprofit organization, plays a pivotal role in enabling individuals to cultivate and sustain a thriving repository of shared knowledge. Under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA) license, readers can download and share the published articles, provided they appropriately cite them. However, any alterations to the articles or commercial use are not permitted.

This licensing approach underscores NET's commitment to fostering an environment where authors retain copyright and publishing rights without encountering restrictions.

The journal views plagiarism with utmost seriousness. It transpires when an author endeavors to present someone else's work as their own or replicates content without giving due credit. Thus, the journal employs Turnitin software to thoroughly examine all submitted articles for plagiarism. A submitted paper that demonstrates a significant similarity percentage with previously published work may face rejection. In the event of identifying any issues, the corresponding author will promptly receive notification.

Besides, the journal follows the principle of immediate open access to its content, believing that freely sharing research with the public promotes a broader global exchange of knowledge. Details regarding author rights and licensing requirements can be found in the author guidelines. 


Revenue Sources

The New English Teacher  is funded and supported in its revenue operations by Theodore Maria School of Arts. The board committee of Theodore Maria School of Arts ensures the regular reporting of NET's revenue and financial details in the minutes of their monthly meetings. It is essential to underscore that these financial considerations do not influence decisions made by the NET editorial board. Moreover, the editorial board is expressly prohibited from compromising the integrity of the double-blind peer review system during manuscript submissions. This measure is implemented to maintain the quality of articles and ensure transparency within the journal.


Advertising and Direct Marketing

The New English Teacher does not implement advertising and direct marketing policies.


Journal History

The New English Teacher, a scholarly journal published by Theodore Maria School of Arts at Assumption University, Thailand, undergoes a rigorous double-blind peer-review process. As one of Assumption University's professional publications, it follows a biannual publication schedule, releasing issues in January-June and July-December. Originally, the journal employed ISSN 1905-7725 for its print copies; however, it has ceased print production and currently exclusively publishes online content, identified by ISSN 2985-0959.