1. Is the eJIR accredited?

This journal is in the process of getting Thai Citation Index (TCI) ranking. It is an Open Access journal. The readers and researchers can download papers without any fee or charge.                              

2. Is the eJIR a peer-reviewed journal?

Yes, the submitted papers are reviewed by our team members.

3.  What criteria are used to select the submitted papers?

 All the paper submitted to eJIR goes though the first step-plagiarism check. A Similarity Score (SS) of 16% or below from Turn_It_In screening is accepted. Papers above the SS of 16% are sent back to the authors for review and further editing to reduce SS.  Papers meeting the format of eJIR and SS score of 16% or lower are sent to the reviewers.

4. When is the Acceptance Letter issued to the author?

Papers that pass the review criteria are issued the Acceptance Letter (AL). It takes about 2 months to complete the process.

5. What Copyright laws are used for publishing in the eJIR?

For all papers published in eJIR, the authors hold the Copyright. It should be noted that any paper published earlier should not be submitted to eJIR. See the details given under Ethics on the main menu.

6. How is Copyright applied?

After the final approval, authors are sent a Copyright Declaration Form (CDF). Before a paper is published, the authors are required to digitally sign and return the CDF to eJIR. If the authors fail to send the CDF by the due date, the paper is discarded.

7. Can one author submit more than one paper for publication in eJIR?

No, only one paper from an author is accepted for publication.

8. Is there any fee for publication?

No, eJIR does not charge any publication fee.

9. Is eJIR indexed in Scopus, ERIC or any other indexing entities?

No, eJIR is a very new journal. It is working its way up and hopes to acquire a place in international indexing platforms.

10. What is the Impact Factor of eJIR?

 eJIR is a very new journal. It is working its way up and hopes to acquire its Impact Factor (IF) assessments in the coming years.

If you have any other specific questions about this journal, please write an email to-  ejir@au.edu