Using WBL as ODI to Improve Work Environment and Well-being of Employee

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Kijchai Chotikamankong


This research is influenced from visiting workplace of SC Siam Supply and Sounds. Work environment and well-being of employees of organization are interesting and there is an opportunity of developing the set two areas. The objectives of research comprise of three; 1) To determine the current situation of work environment and well-being of employees. 2)To identify and using WBL as ODI to improve work environment and well-being of employee and 3) To
compare the difference between pre-ODI and post-ODI. Data collection techniques of this study contains with survey, observation and interview while respondents are employees of production department. The OD interventions were based from Whole Brain Literacy model and implemented as four steps of ODIs, consisting of 1) awareness 2) idea creation 3) action and 4) sustainable.

The findings from the study revealed that there was difference between pre-ODI and Post-ODI in area of work environment. On the other hands, there was no significant difference in area of well-being of employees.

For future study, researcher recommended to included measurement scale, intensity of light and temperature scale, to determine and find out appropriate light and temperature for employees. Moreover, technology is a good choice to include in future study. An improvement of organizational technology would be able to improve work environment and well-being of employee as well.

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