Production of Tannin from the Bark of Eucalyptus camadulensis


  • K. R. Onifade


Tannin, bark, Eucalyptus camadulensis, distilled water, tap water


Tannin is a very versatile industrial material found in many parts of plants such as the bark of Eucalyptus camadulensis (EC). The bark of EC that normally peels off during the dry season has usually served as anxious substrate for pathogens.

In the present experiment, tannin was leached from the bark of EC using water as solvent. Tannin produced varied from 5 to 12%. The yield obtained was found to vary inversely with the particle size of the bark. Better yields were obtained if distilled water and agitation method were used in comparison with tap water and soaking method. However, the increase in yield was not statistically significant. Method of solvent removal and doubling the amount of solvent used has little or no effect on yield.

Author Biography

K. R. Onifade

Department of Chemical Engineering Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria
