A Model for Managing Standardization of Cruise Port Attributes Influencing Cruise Passenger Satisfaction Toward Positive Word-Of-Mouth: The GSCA Application Approach

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Tanapon Rungroueng


With a significant growth rate within the cruise business, not only do cruise lines need to develop, but cruise ports must also accelerate development to support the growth of the cruise industry. This research aims to examine and analyze a model for managing the standardization of cruise port attributes which influence cruise passenger satisfaction and positive word-of-mouth. The study utilizes a quantitative research technique, gathering information from a sample of 465 respondents using questionnaires. GSCA Pro software version 1.1.6 was used to analyze the data that were gathered. The research findings sum up the importance of cruise port attributes, in terms of the perceived standardization of cruise ports that affect the levels of satisfaction and intention toward positive word-of-mouth, from the cruise passenger perspective. From the results of the study, 5 sub-components of being a cruise port are identified as basic factors in increasing satisfaction levels; these include: (1) Port Service Provider, (2) Port Accessibility, (3) Port Environment, (4) Passenger Port Building, and (5) Passenger Transportation in the Port. All five factors were found to affect the intention to spread positive word-of-mouth. Thus, these five elements are the basic elements for setting standards in the cruise port management model. Executives and cruise port managers will be able to utilize the cruise port attributes that have been found in order to effectively and successfully construct and design a model for managing the standardization of cruise ports in the passengers’ point of view. Meanwhile, scholars may use this set of attributes to study in conjunction with other elements in subsequent studies. Based on this paradigm, this concept and model has the potential for further development in the future.

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