Enhancing Secondary City Tourism in Thailand: Exploring Revenue Generation, Sustainable Practices, and the Role of Brand Identity
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Tourism is a significant contributor to economic development, particularly in countries like Thailand, where primary cities dominate tourism revenue. However, secondary cities, despite their rich cultural, natural, and historical assets, remain underexplored. This study addresses the need to promote secondary city tourism in Thailand by exploring the key factors influencing tourist decision-making and satisfaction. Using a mixed-methods approach, including qualitative and quantitative research, the study investigates elements such as perceived value, cultural and natural attractions, and brand identity that shape tourist preferences and behaviors. Findings indicate that strategic promotion and infrastructure development in secondary cities, along with a well-defined brand identity, can enhance tourist satisfaction and revisit intentions. The research highlights the significance of regional-level attributes, suggesting that region-specific marketing strategies could play a pivotal role in promoting secondary city tourism. This study aims to provide actionable insights to stakeholders for sustainable tourism development, community revenue generation, and equitable distribution of tourism benefits across Thailand’s diverse regions.
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