Measuring The Pulse of Sustainable Investment: A Systematic Review & Bibliometric Perspective
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In recent times, increasing regulatory pressure and changes in investor preferences have led to an increase in the importance of sustainable investment at both academic and practitioner levels, with the field still occupying the formative stage. Therefore, the objectives of this study are to explore the intellectual underpinnings of and suggest future research avenues in the discipline of sustainable investment, as well as to conduct a systematic review and bibliometric analysis. In total 1,222 articles were selected from the Scopus database for the period 2013-2023. The study follows the SPAR-4-SLR protocol, involving performance analysis and science mapping using VOSviewer and the R-package. Network analysis revealed eight major clusters primarily focusing on firms’ financial performance, stock returns, contributions to climate change, economic growth, sustainable development goals, risk assessment, and corporate social responsibility. Additionally, the study developed a unified taxonomy model based on a causal framework that includes the foremost independent, mediating, moderating, and dependent variables, studied in the field of sustainable investment.
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