The Role of Innovation Capabilities and Competitive Advantage as Mediating Variables Between the Relationship of Technology and Success of Startup Businesses in Thailand

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Amaravadee Wongtep
Sasiwemon Sukhabot
Idsaratt Rinthaisong


Startup businesses are important for economic development, especially in developing countries. These businesses use technology to drive their successful operations. This research study examined the influence of innovative capabilities and competitive advantage as mediating variables in the relationship between technology and the success of startup businesses in Thailand. The Resource-based View Theory (Barney, 1991) was used as the theoretical basis for the study. The population studied consisted of startup business entrepreneurs in Thailand. A sample of 579 startup businesses was chosen through a probabilistic sampling method through simple random sampling from all types of startup business. Path analysis was used for data analysis, with results of the study showing the influence of innovative capabilities and competitive advantage as mediating variables in the relationship between technology and the success of startup businesses in Thailand. This new knowledge has driven the government to develop strategies and policies to create and grow startup businesses. It has also encouraged startup business entrepreneurs to focus on building competitive advantages and innovation in their businesses and to continuously develop technology for the survival and growth of their businesses.

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