Development of Measurement Instruments for Teachers’ Lifelong Learning Mindset, Learning Habits and Self-Directed Learning

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Tanaporn Wongwanich
Wirathep Pathumcharoenwattana
Archanya Ratana-Ubol


Lifelong learning is a crucial process that contributes to the continuous professional advancement opportunities for teachers. To promote teachers as lifelong learners, it is essential to leverage comprehensive insights into key mobilizing factors for lifelong learning, including a Lifelong Learning Mindset, Learning Habits, and Self-Directed Learning. This research aims to 1) develop measurement instruments for teachers’ Lifelong Learning Mindset, Learning Habits, and Self-Directed Learning, and to 2) examine the quality of the measurement instruments, including the establishment of norms for all three variables. The research sample consisted of 943 elementary school teachers, selected using stratified random sampling.
The measurement instrument consisted of a questionnaire containing 35 items each utilizing a 5-point rating scale. The research findings show that item content validity ratio (CVR) values for each of the instrument subscales ranged between .71 and 1.00, while the content validity index (S-CVI) value for the entire scale was .97. The internal consistency reliability values for the individual variable subscales ranged from .925 to .963, while the construct validity using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) as measured by the Mplus program showed that the measurement model fit the empirical data at the .05 significance level. This study also established percentile norms for the developed instruments.

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