Prediction of the Future Trends of Housing Project Development with Modified Delphi Technique

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Kongkoon Tochaiwat
Damrongsak Rinchumphu
Anuwat Budda


This research was initiated to study the trend of the housing projects in the next ten years (2022-2031), with the applied Modified Delphi Technique. The research was conducted by interviewing five experts with more than ten years of knowledge and experience in design, construction, technology, location, and marketing. The gathered trends were applied to create questionnaires in order to conduct two rounds of surveys to assess the consensus level of ten experts with at least ten years of experience in the real estate industry, according to the consensus analysis method from the Modified Delphi Technique. Thirteen trends were found from the study.  There are four design trends: more beautiful façade, soundproof wall, universal design furniture, and universal design house building. In addition, eco-friendly materials and modular construction systems were found to be construction trends while smart home device installation and active air flow technology were found to be technology trends. Regarding the trend of the project location, the projects tend to be located in areas expanding into the suburbs. Finally, four marketing trends were also reported: Virtual Reality utilization in sales presentation, advertising to reach more customers, inviting social media influencers to play a role in reviewing projects, providing credit consulting services and refunding of reservation money if a customer’s loan is not approved.  The results of the study provide information to all parties involved in planning strategies and operating a business in developing housing estates in the future.

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