Agribusiness-Based Farmer Empowerment Model with a Sustainable Integrated Farming System Approach to Increase Income Multiplier Effect


  • Ngatindriatun Management Department, Binus Online Learning , Bina Nusantara University
  • Fauzul Adzim Master program in Economics and Development Studies, Universitas Diponegoro

DOI: 10.14456/abacj.2022.13
Published: 2022-04-30


This study aimed to develop an agribusiness-based farmer empowerment model with a sustainable integrated farming system approach in order to increase the income multiplier effect. This research consists of a mixed methods approach combining qualitative and quantitative methods. The data used in this study consist of both primary and secondary data. Secondary data used in the study were obtained from publications, reports, and other sources to support the analysis. Primary data were obtained from Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The first analytical method used in this research is descriptive statistical analysis, while the second analysis consisted of a Matrix of Alliances and Conflicts: Tactics, Objectives and Recommendations (MACTOR). The results showed that the agricultural potential in Kopeng Village includes the availability of extensive and fertile land, abundant human resources, and a highly abundant variety of agricultural commodities. Meanwhile, existing problems include high production costs, difficulty in accessing capital, low competence of human resources, a volatile climate, the perishable nature of horticultural commodities, dependence on middlemen, and a lack of post-harvest innovation. The efforts to empower agribusiness-based farmers with a sustainable integrated farming system approach in Kopeng Village requires collaboration and synergy from various stakeholders. The actors who have the highest influence are organic farmers, while the actors who have the highest dependence are the processing industry and agricultural services. Meanwhile, the actors with the highest influence and dependence include organic farmers, inorganic farmers, vegetable agents, farmers’ groups and women’s farmers’ groups. In an effort to empower farmers in Kopeng Village, the issues of greatest concern are reducing the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, reducing poverty, conserving biodiversity, and increasing farmers’ income. Meanwhile, the most mobilized actors are inorganic farmers, organic farmers, and vegetable traders. Actors who have high competitiveness include vegetable traders, organic farmers, and vegetable agents.


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