Safety Climate and Safety Behaviors among Thai Pilots: The Mediated Moderated Structural Equation Modeling Technique


  • Pattarachat Maneechaeye PhD. Candidate, Faculty of Management Science, Prince of Songkla University
  • Wisanupong Potipiroon Prince of Songkla University

DOI: 10.14456/abacj.2022.8
Published: 2022-04-30


Past research reveals that safety climate plays an essential role in influencing safety-related behavior in various work contexts. However, few studies have considered how safety climate could influence safety behavior among pilots. This study aims to contribute to the safety literature by investigating the impact of group or fleet safety climate on pilots’ safety behavior and to investigate the mediating roles of attitudinal pride and safety knowledge and the moderating role of organizational tenure. Based on a sample of 610 commercial pilots in Thailand, a moderated mediation structural equation modelling technique was utilized. Results of the analysis affirm that fleet safety climate has a significant positive effect on pilots’ safety behavior via an increase in their attitudinal pride and safety knowledge. Additionally, the indirect influence of fleet safety climate on safety behavior was found to be stronger among pilots with longer tenure. This suggests that longer-tenured pilots are more reliant on workplace safety norms to maintain safety behaviors. Airlines can use the results from this study to establish and implement fleet-wide safety policies to reduce aviation risks at work.


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