Millennial Consumers’ Purchase Intention for Eco-Fashion Apparel: A Study from Southern China


  • Bing Zhu Assumption University


Eco-fashion, Value perceptions, Environmental attitude, Purchase Intention, Sustainable apparel


This study attempts to understand the role of value perceptions and environmental attitudes in influencing millennial consumers’ intentions to buy eco-fashion apparel in Southern China. A total of 385 questionnaire responses were collected in Nanning via snowball sampling and convenience sampling techniques. The PLS-SEM method was applied to evaluate the data. The findings show that status value presents the strongest relationship with environmental attitude (β=.308, t=7.209, p<.01), followed by uniqueness value (β=.213, t=3.826, p<.01), materialism (β=.242, t=3.398, p<.01), price-quality perception (β=.089, t=2.209, p<.05), and conspicuous value (β=.150, t=2.171, p<.05). Moreover, environmental attitude exhibits the most significant influence on purchase intentions (β=.765, t=31.730, p<.01). Thus, corresponding implications are discussed.



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