Destination Image as A Healing Destination Among Medical Tourists: An Exploratory Case Study of Penang, Malaysia
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Medical tourism has become adjectival tourism in both developed and developing nations. In recent years, it has gained impetus in Malaysia, which is an ideal hub for medical tourism in Asia due to various competitive factors. Although several key elements have contributed to the growth of medical tourism in the country, few studies have explored the role of destination image in the context of medical tourism. Therefore, this research aims to provide insight into the attributes of destination image in the context of medical tourism in Penang, Malaysia. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 26 patients randomly chosen at selected private hospitals in Penang, and the Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council’s (MHTC) concierge and lounge at Penang International Airport. The findings revealed that the dominant attributes of the ldestination image perceived by medical tourists in Penang are: (a) Hospital Internal Amenities; (b) Influenced and Informed Decisions; and (c) Aesthetics. The paper further discusses Penang's apparent image as a healing destination among medical tourists who travel to Malaysia. This study thus carries implications for healthcare practitioners to enhance and position their healthcare services based on destination image as their source of competitive advantage.
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