Relationships Among Medical Activity Perceived Functional Values, Satisfaction Trust, and Revisit Intention in Medical Tourism: A Case Study on CLMV Tourists in Thailand
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In this study, we examined the roles of servicescape (medical activity), perceived value, satisfaction, trust, and revisit intention in the medical tourism of Udon Thani Province, Thailand. Data were collected from foreign tourists
visiting Udon Thani from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam. A field survey was conducted at a private hospital by distributing questionnaires to 652 tourists visiting Udon Thani for medical activity. It was observed that medical
activity, perceived functional value, satisfaction, and trust have significant associations affecting revisit intentions, while satisfaction and trust also acted as significant mediators. Findings also indicated that convenience, not price, played the most crucial role, and thus countries should not focus solely on promoting price advantages. Moreover, the government and all stakeholders of the tourism industry should focus on these factors to contribute to the success and sustainability of medical tourism.
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