A Causal Effect of Customer Relationship Management, Attitude, Subjective Norm, Perceived Behavioral Control of Customer Affecting Purchase Intention to Using Anti-Aging Business in Thailand

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Hutsayaporn Intayos
Napawan Netpradit
Bhubate Samutachak


The purpose of this study was to empirically examine the effect of interrelationships among the customer relationship management, attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control, and their effects on the intention to purchase anti-aging products and services. A mixed methodology was used as the examining approach. The quantitative data was collected from 460 samples using online survey, and was analyzed using the structural equation model. The samples having and having no experience with the anti-aging products or services was separately analyzed. The qualitative data was obtained using in-depth interview with 15 informants to add insights to the quantitative results. The results showed a strong support for the proposed model, particularly in the experienced group, while some hypotheses were supported in the group with no experience. Via the perceived behavioral control, attitude, and subjective norm, the customer relationship management could better influence the intention to purchase. This study helped managers to better design for the more effective customer relationship management strategy. In order to make customer relationship more efficiently work, managers have to design it to strategically incorporate the perceived behavioural control and subjective norm of the customer.

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