Online Purchase Intention: A Study on Consumer Behaviour in Indian Digital Environment

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Sriram K V
Milind Arora
Kshitij Varshney
Giridhar B. Kamath


With a potent market like India and the preference being given to a convenient lifestyle and the now happening digital revolution, Indian marketers and purchasers have started to understand the importance and the advantages of utilizing the online shopping platforms. Digital marketing is what affects the purchasing tendency and intentions of people. The motivation behind this research is to recognize the factors influencing Indian customers' frame of mind towards shopping on the internet along the lines of digital marketing to use it for the benefit of both, the marketer and the consumer. Based on Theory of Planned Behavior, constructs/variables like Perceived Behavioral Control, Subjective Norms, Attitude and India-specific factor (covers several socio-economic factors) were examined and analyzed. Two factors, online buying intention, and online purchase were created to extend the research.  The result shows that online purchase intention has the most significance in converting a buyer to actually make an online purchase. Out of the other factors, subjective norms positively affect the online buying intentions the most and perceived behavior negatively affects the same. The study highly reflects that digital marketing and targeting the right audience positively influence the purchase intention of an individual such that it converts into actual purchase.

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Author Biography

Giridhar B. Kamath , Department of Humanities and Management, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, India.