Factors Leading to Online Purchase Intentions: Customized Gifts Industry in Denmark

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Nhi Thi Tuyet Do



Gift giving is a global behavior and important for most people’s social and cultural life. In fact, at least $300 billion are spent annually for gifts in the US, while in recent years, more consumers are purchasing gifts online, mainly to speed up the gift-giving process. However, it is difficult for marketers to understand the main factors affecting online purchase behavioral intentions. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to identify the relationships between the most influential factors and the online customized gift purchase intentions and to examine their relationships. The research methodology was derived from conjoint analysis of 204 respondents to test hypotheses of four key attributes (i.e. customization, price, product quality and delivery time). Major findings of preference scores (part worth utility) for each attribute level resulted in statistical significance between four key attributes and online behavioral intentions. The results from part worth coefficients indicated “customization” being the most important attribute, followed by price, product quality and lastly, delivery time as the least important attribute for Danish gift online shoppers.  

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