International Students’ Adjustment in Thailand


  • Veenumkarn Rujipak
  • Sanyapong Limprasert


cultural adjustment, international student, psychological well-being, socio-cultural adjustment


This study investigates the adjustment of international students in Thai universities, divided into socio-cultural adjustment and psychological well-being. This study also explores the association between the socio-cultural adjustment and psychological well-being of the host culture. A total of 389 international students filled self-reported questionnaires. Findings revealed that there are no significant differences in terms of cross-cultural adjustment between genders, living with others, and length of stay in host culture. However, age groups and country groups contributed significantly to the differences in cross-cultural adjustment among international students. Interesting results were found where international students from Western countries present better cross-cultural adjustment than international students from Asian countries, particularly in academic, physical, mental health adjustment, and psychological well-being. The study also found that psychological well-being is influenced by levels of academic adjustment, physical and mental health adjustment, and living environment. The levels of interpersonal relationship adjustment and local cultural adjustment do not affect psychological well-being. Based on the results, the Departments of International Students in Thai universities should be concerned with the improvement of services and support to facilitate their international students’ cross-cultural adjustment.
