1. Submission
  • The corresponding author submits manuscripts to ABAC Journal via Open Journal System (OJS) 
  1. Initial Editorial Review
  • The editorial team will evaluate manuscripts for aim and scope, format, language used, length of words, completeness of required sections, originality (ensuring similarity with other sources is less than 20%), Generative Artificial Intelligences using Turnitin and ABAC Journal’s Ethical Principles and Standards (1 week)
  • The Editor-in-Chief assigns the appropriate reviewers, and the entire review process spans 2 weeks.
  1. Peer Review

Reviewers evaluate manuscripts (6-8 weeks) and provide one of the following decisions:

      • Acceptance without revision.
      • Acceptance with requested revisions.
      • Rejection.
  1. Revision
  • Authors revise manuscripts based on reviewer feedback (2 weeks)
  1. Final Review
  • Revised manuscripts are evaluated by the reviewers to determine if they meet the specified revision requirements based on their comments. Manuscripts with minor or major revisions are considered for publication. Manuscripts requiring resubmission undergo another round of review. 
  1. Decision for Publication Acceptance
  • The Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision. Authors may be contacted for further information or verification during this period. 
  1. Copyediting and formatting revision
  • Check accepted manuscripts to ensure in-text citations and referencing are in compliance with APA 7th style which takes approximately 2 weeks.
  1. Final Proofreading, Corrections and Layout
  • Proofreading, final corrections and layout (1 week per article) 
  1. Online Publication
  • The entire process from initial submission to publication takes approximately 4-5 months.