Educational Ideas in English Novels about Thailand As Perceived By Western Authors
The purposes of this study were: 1) To identify and analyze educational ideas in English novels about Thai people as perceived by Western authors; 2) To identify and analyze educational ideas in English novels about Thai locations as perceived by Western authors; 3) To ascertain and analyze ideas in English novels about Thai culture and education as perceived by Western authors. The procedure for the research design was to review various leadership documents, textbooks, websites, and research journals at various libraries, bookshops, and online databases. The researcher used the content analysis method to synthesize the leadership characteristics in the leadership theories related to the research. Books written about Thailand by Western authors were surveyed, reviewed, carefully read, and randomly selected. In the Assumption University, Bangkok, library, there were 4114 English books with 6865 copies and over two hundred books written about Thailand as fiction/non-fiction by Western writers. For data collection, three books were selected by random for content and context and divided into categories of Location, People, and Culture with an educational background. The content was analyzed using words, sentences, or paragraphs. The sampling units used were excerpts in the form of sentences, paragraphs, or words. Coding units were utilized and word frequency counts elicited from sentences or paragraphs in which used. The validity and reliability of the proposed model will be tested by experienced eight outside coders the first time and another eight in the second round by different coders. The experts selected will have the leadership qualities with a knowledge of the process of content analysis, be linguistically qualified (English) and be competent educational leadersDownloads
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