Expected Child Development and Actual Occurrence in Children: Personal, Social and Emotional Aspects, In a Selected Kindergarten in Nontha Buri
One must consider children as important human resources and future leaders of the country. Fifteen years from now, these children are going to be active adults who will be responsible citizens in society. Are they being prepared to be good citizens of the country? There is a Thai proverb that says, “We can bend the branch of the tree only when it is young?” If the tree grows older, the branch will break if you bend it. This Thai proverb has the same meaning, as “It's hard to teach old dogs new tricks.” You cannot teach old dogs new tricks.” This brings one to the realization and urgency that personal, social and emotional skills should be reinforced during the early ages of childhood development.Downloads
How to Cite
Kowae, P. (2015). Expected Child Development and Actual Occurrence in Children: Personal, Social and Emotional Aspects, In a Selected Kindergarten in Nontha Buri. Scholar: Human Sciences, 1(1). Retrieved from http://www.assumptionjournal.au.edu/index.php/Scholar/article/view/863