Development of a Commitment Model for Nursing Students in Promoting Community Health
This action research was a survey coupled with a cross-sectional quasi-experimental design. The purpose of the study was to develop a commitment model for nursing students in promoting community health. Objectives were: (1) to survey and compare commitment levels, (2) to develop the model and (3) to evaluate the model for nursing students in promoting community health. A commitment test specially developed for the study was administered to 4,630 nursing students under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Health countrywide. A trial of the model was conducted with nursing students from Phrapokklao Nursing College as the experimental group and Boromarajchonnanee Nursing College, Chonburi as the control group. Thirty subjects each were allotted to each class level in all four years. The results revealed that the overall commitment levels of nursing students related to community health development were fair. Students who were in higher educational levels had significantly higher commitment levels (p <.001).As a result of the survey, the “Commitment Pattern Development” program was established. The program included objectives, contents, activities, tools, practical process, and evaluation segments. The program consisted of examining perceptions of community health, responding to community health development, appreciating community health development, planning community health development, and developing community health commitments. The time required was 32 hours. A Quasi Experimental research design was applied. 240 nursing students from two nursing colleges participated in this study. 120 nursing students at Phrapokklao Nursing College were assigned to the experimental group, whereas their counterparts from Boromarajchonnanee Nursing College, Chonburi were assigned to the control group.The result of this study showed that almost all of commitment levels of both experimental and control groups before applying the program were fair. The commitment levels of the nursing students in the experimental group after receiving the program were significantly higher than those of the nursing students before receiving the program (p <.001). Compared to the control groups, the commitment levels of the experimental groups were significantly higher than those of the control groups (p <.001). In the evaluation part, the commitment levels of community folks in terms of community health development, before participating with nursing students whose commitment levels were varied as to high and low levels. After participating in the action program facilitated by experimental nursing students; their commitment increased significantly to higher levels (p <.001).Downloads
How to Cite
Cheaplamp, S. (2015). Development of a Commitment Model for Nursing Students in Promoting Community Health. Scholar: Human Sciences, 1(1). Retrieved from