An Examination on Purchase Intention of New Energy Vehicles Among 31-60 Years Old Consumers in Sichuan, China
Trust, Attitudes, Perceived Quality, Purchase Intention, New Energy VehiclesAbstract
Purpose: The objective of this research is to investigate the factors influencing consumers' purchase intentions regarding new energy vehicles in the region of Sichuan, China. A conceptual framework has been developed, encompassing six key variables: trust, attitudes, perceived risk, perceived behavioral control, perceived quality, and purchase intention. Research design, data, and methodology: The researchers employed quantitative research techniques, utilizing questionnaires as their primary research instrument. The target population consisted of individuals in Sichuan, China, who either own or express an interest in purchasing new energy vehicles. The study's sample size comprises individuals aged 31 to 60 years old, totaling 500 respondents. Data collection was conducted through a combination of judgmental, convenience, and snowball sampling methods. The primary objective of this investigation is to leverage the power of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM) as robust statistical methodologies. Results: Trust has a significant impact on attitudes. Purchase intention is significantly impacted by attitude and perceived behavior control, but not by perceived risk and perceived quality. Conclusions: By recognizing the significance of age as a determinant in consumer decisions and tailoring strategies accordingly, organizations can engage consumers effectively across different age groups and foster long-term customer relationships.
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