Japanese Human Resource Management, Expatriate Condition, Local Manager’s skill, And Internal Communication Affecting The Success of Localization Management of Japanese Subsidiary at Eastern Seaboard Industrial in Thailand
Localization, Japanese Human Resource Management, Expatriate, Local manager, Internal communicationAbstract
The purpose of this research was to study the influence of Japanese Human Resource Management, Expatriates’ condition, Local manager’s skills and roles, and Internal communication affecting on success of Localization in a subsidiary through indication of Organizational performance. Organizational culture was additionally tested to investigate as moderating variable. The finding in this study was investigated through assessment of path coefficients, which were statically proved for the research hypotheses. The results obviously showed that Japanese HRM for Consensual decision and Quality control circle, Expatriates’ condition for Coach and Conductor, Local manager’s skills and roles in term of Principle of management and organization and roles, and Internal communication in Downward, Upward, and Lateral communication positively correlated to Organizational performance at significant level of 0.01. Furthermore, the moderation analysis showed an appropriate interaction term of Organizational culture on Local manager’s skills and roles and Organizational performance at significant level 0.05. This study was concluded that the Local manager’s skills and roles had a highlighted relation on success of localization in the organization. The moderating analysis indicated that the Organization culture interacted with Local manager’s skills and roles which booth up the success of localization by increasing the effective management.
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