Factors Influencing Junior College Students’ Continuance Intention with Mobile Learning at Chengdu College of Arts and Sciences, China
Mobile Learning, System Quality, Information Quality, Satisfaction, Continuance IntentionAbstract
Purpose: This study intends to assess the key variables significantly affecting junior college student's continued interest in mobile learning across four majors at Chengdu College of Arts and Sciences in Sichuan, China. The researcher examined perceived usefulness, confirmation, service quality, system quality, and information quality to determine whether their effects on student satisfaction and continuance intention with mobile learning. Research design, data, and methodology: The researchers applied quantitative exploration methods to 489 samples and distributed quantitative questionnaires to junior college students majoring in English, Chinese language and Literature, Preschool Education, Broadcasting, and Hosting at Chengdu College of Arts and Sciences. The sampling techniques were conducted using purposive, quota and convenience sampling. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) are used to determine the relationships between the variables under study. Results: The findings provide evidence that perceived usefulness, confirmation, service quality, system quality, and information quality are antecedents of satisfaction towards continuance intention. Conclusions: University administrators and teaching staff should pay sufficient attention to the factors which have generated significant influence on the satisfaction of the instruction and consider the correlated teaching adjustment or reform in the future according to the findings of this research.
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