The Assessment on Science and Engineering Undergraduates’ Satisfaction and Loyalty towards Network Teaching Platform in Chengdu, China
Online Learning, Network Teaching Platform, Loyalty, Satisfaction, Science and EngineeringAbstract
Purpose: This research evaluates factors impacting science and engineering undergraduates’ satisfaction and loyalty toward network teaching platforms. The key variables include trust, experience, service quality, perceived value, privacy, satisfaction, and loyalty. Research design, data, and methodology: Quantitative method was applied for this research by using probability and nonprobability methods, The sampling techniques are judgmental, stratified random and convenience sampling. 503 samples were collected from two target universities, namely, Xihua University (XHU) and Jincheng College of Chengdu (JCCCD). Index of item objective congruence (IOC) and Cronbach’s Alpha reliability test for pilot test (n=30) were approved before the data collection. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Model (SEM) were utilized to determine the relationships of the variables under study. Results: Service quality, perceived value, privacy and trust have a significant impact on satisfaction. Additionally, satisfaction and trust significantly impact loyalty. On the other hand, experience has no significant impact on satisfaction. Conclusions: Since online education plays an essential role in the information age and networking, universities and colleges widely adopt the teaching platform. It is important to acknowledge what factors impact undergraduates’ loyalty and satisfaction towards these platforms, and sufficient attention should be paid to these factors according to the finding of this research.
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