The Influencing Factors of the Music Students’ Satisfaction on Blended Learning


  • Yujie Qu

DOI: 10.14456/shserj.2024.44
Published: 2024-08-20


Music Student Satisfaction, Blended Learning, Music Education


The objectives of doing this research are, to explore the influential factors for blended music students’ satisfaction based on academic literature, to form a conceptual structure and to test the hypotheses related to each potential influential factor in the context of music blended learning, and to assess how these factors influence the music students’ satisfaction. For achieving the objectives, this research uses a quantitative research method, specifically, using confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling method to analyze the survey results data collected from the sample music students from Hunan Normal University. The results of the data analysis show that factors i.e., motivation, learning climate, perceived achievement goals, perceived task value, cognitive engagement, online attitude, and face-to-face attitude, all have positive and significant influenceson music blended learning students’ satisfaction, hence supporting the eight hypotheses raised in the research and making the conceptual structure model valid.

Author Biography

Yujie Qu

Hunan Normal University


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How to Cite

Qu, Y. (2024). The Influencing Factors of the Music Students’ Satisfaction on Blended Learning. Scholar: Human Sciences, 16(2), 183-193.