Factor Analysis of Satisfaction and Continuance Intention to Use Online Payment Among University Students in Chengdu, China
Online Payment, Service Quality, Perceived Security, Satisfaction, Continuance IntentionAbstract
Purpose: This paper aims to explore satisfaction and continuance intention to use online payment among university Students in Chengdu, China. The researcher applied quantitative survey research methods. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Information Systems Success Model (ISSM), and Expectation Confirmation Theory (ECT) are used to construct the conceptual framework of the research, including service quality, privacy, confirmation, perceived usefulness, perceived security, satisfaction, and continuance intention. Research design, data, and methodology: The validity of the research tool was evaluated by the Item Objective Congruence (IOC) Index, and the Cronbach alpha coefficient in a pilot test evaluated the internal consistency reliability. In addition, the sampling techniques are judgmental, quota and convenience sampling. The questionnaire was distributed to 500 students using online payment in target universities, analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM). Results: All hypotheses were supported in which the service quality had the strongest on satisfaction. Satisfaction has a direct impact on continuance intention. Conclusions: To improve students’ satisfaction with online payment and their willingness to continue using it, it is necessary to improve the service quality and strengthen the protection of users’ privacy on online payment platforms. Managers should pay special attention to the security of user information.
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