The Investigation on Student Satisfaction and Loyalty Toward Online Learning during COVID-19 : A Case Study of a University in Chengdu, China
Online Learning, Trust, Perceived Value, Satisfaction, LoyaltyAbstract
Purpose: This research investigates student satisfaction and loyalty determinants in a university in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China during the current COVID-19 epidemic. A conceptual framework based on previous studies includes perceived value, service quality, system quality, perceived usefulness, university reputation, trust, satisfaction, and loyalty. Research design, data, and methodology: The quantitative method was conducted through a questionnaire as a survey tool to examine 500 students at Southwest Jiaotong University. The index of Item-Objective Congruence and Cronbach’s Alpha reliability of the pilot test (n=50) was ensured before the data collection. The validity and reliability of the measurement model are analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Furthermore, structural model fitness and hypothesis testing results analyze the structural equation model (SEM). Results: The results show that perceived value, service quality, system quality, perceived usefulness, and university reputation significantly impact satisfaction. Satisfaction significantly impacts loyalty. Nevertheless, trust has no significant impact on loyalty. Conclusions: This study contributes to higher education institutions during the epidemic. In order to guarantee students’ enthusiasm and completion of learning, students’ satisfaction and loyalty to online learning are also related to teachers’ teaching plans and how to better adapt to the new teaching environment from traditional teaching.
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